'use strict';
const WebSocket = require('ws');
let EventEmitter;
try {
EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3');
} catch (err) {
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
* Represents a Lavalink node
* @extends EventEmitter
* @prop {string} host The hostname for the node
* @prop {number} port The port number for the node
* @prop {string} address The full ws address for the node
* @prop {string} region The region for this node
* @prop {string} userId The client user id
* @prop {number} numShards The total number of shards the bot is running
* @prop {string} password The password used to connect
* @prop {boolean} connected If it's connected to the node
* @prop {boolean} draining True if this node will no longer take new connections
* @prop {object} stats The Lavalink node stats
class Lavalink extends EventEmitter {
* Lavalink constructor
* @param {Object} options Lavalink node options
* @param {string} options.host The hostname to connect to
* @param {string} options.port The port to connect with
* @param {string} options.region The region of the node
* @param {Number} options.numShards The number of shards the bot is running
* @param {string} options.userId The user id of the bot
* @param {string} options.password The password for the Lavalink node
* @param {Number} [options.timeout=5000] Optional timeout in ms used for the reconnect backoff
constructor(options) {
this.host = options.host;
this.port = options.port || 80;
this.address = `ws://${this.host}:${this.port}`;
this.region = options.region || null;
this.userId = options.userId;
this.numShards = options.numShards;
this.password = options.password || 'youshallnotpass';
this.connected = false;
this.draining = false;
this.retries = 0;
this.reconnectTimeout = options.timeout || 5000;
this.reconnectInterval = null;
this.stats = {
players: 0,
playingPlayers: 0
this.disconnectHandler = this.disconnected.bind(this);
* Connect to the websocket server
* @private
connect() {
this.ws = new WebSocket(this.address, {
headers: {
Authorization: this.password,
'Num-Shards': this.numShards,
'User-Id': this.userId
this.ws.on('open', this.ready.bind(this));
this.ws.on('message', this.onMessage.bind(this));
this.ws.on('close', this.disconnectHandler);
this.ws.on('error', (err) => {
this.emit('error', err);
* Reconnect to the websocket
* @private
reconnect() {
const interval = this.retryInterval();
this.reconnectInterval = setTimeout(this.reconnect.bind(this), interval);
* Destroy the websocket connection
* @private
destroy() {
if (this.ws) {
this.ws.removeListener('close', this.disconnectHandler);
* Called when the websocket is open
* @private
ready() {
if (this.reconnectInterval) {
this.reconnectInterval = null;
this.connected = true;
this.retries = 0;
* Called when the websocket disconnects
* @private
disconnected() {
this.connected = false;
if (!this.reconnectInterval) {
delete this.ws;
if (!this.reconnectInterval) {
this.reconnectInterval = setTimeout(this.reconnect.bind(this), this.reconnectTimeout);
* Get the retry interval
* @returns {Number}
* @private
retryInterval() {
const retries = Math.min(this.retries - 1, 5);
return Math.pow(retries + 5, 2) * 1000;
* Send data to Lavalink
* @param {*} data Data to send
* @returns {void}
send(data) {
const ws = this.ws;
if (!ws) return;
let payload;
try {
payload = JSON.stringify(data);
} catch (err) {
return this.emit('error', 'Unable to stringify payload.');
* Handle message from the server
* @param {string} message Raw websocket message
* @returns {void}
* @private
onMessage(message) {
let data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(message);
} catch (e) {
return this.emit('error', 'Unable to parse ws message.');
if (data.op && data.op === 'stats') {
this.stats = data;
this.emit('message', data);
module.exports = Lavalink;